Before planning your visit to hospital, it's important to review your options and understand the next steps to make the most of your health cover. We'll guide you through this process so you can be confident about the choices you’re making regarding your treatment.
Emergency hospital trip?
The last thing you want to worry about in an emergency situation is the cost of your ambulance; that’s why our health covers, opens in a new tab have no annual limits on Emergency Ambulance transportation, excluding DentalPass and members covered by state ambulance schemes .
What are my next steps?
1. Call us to save time and stress
Even if you don’t know what treatment or surgery is required at this stage, you should check what your cover includes before you see the specialist as well as if there are any waiting periods on your cover. Call us first on 13 16 42 with your nib card and Medicare card (if you're an Australian resident). It's handy to check if:
Your potential treatment or procedure is included in your cover
You have served your waiting periods
You'll need to pay a hospital excess
Your payments are up to date
Your contact details are up to date and match your Medicare details (if you're an Australian resident)
By making sure your Medicare details and nib details match exactly you’ll save on time and stress when it comes to your hospital admission and claiming.
2. Use our hospital tools
We have a range of tools to help you with your hospital journey. If you're an existing member, you can log in to do a personalised hospital cover and average cost check with our Going to Hospital tool. Or, you can call us to see if a procedure is included in your cover.
3. Check out our Health Management Programs
Going to hospital may not be your only option. Our Health Management Programs are delivered by qualified health professionals and are tailored to your needs – whether that’s to help get you in shape, keep you out of hospital or to aid a quicker recovery after you’ve been in hospital. These programs are available at no additional cost for eligible nib members.
4. Be prepared with questions for your GP
Unless you arrive at hospital in an ambulance, you’ll probably talk to your GP first about any concerns you have. They’ll assess your condition and refer you to a specialist for further treatment if necessary. Your GP might also order tests ahead of your specialist appointments, such as x-rays, blood tests or ultrasounds.
Here are some questions you may wish to ask your GP:
Could you tell me more about my condition, tests and treatment?
Are there options other than surgery that I can try first?
What happens if I delay or don’t have surgery?
Why am I being referred to this particular specialist?
Are there other specialists who can also treat my condition?
What is this specialist’s experience in this type of condition?
Do you know if this specialist participates in nib MediGap?
Is it possible to have an open referral so I can see the specialist of my choice?