An easy way to reduce your out of pocket expenses and make the most of your health cover is to attend an nib Agreement Hospital for your procedure.
nib has agreements with most private hospitals across Australia, so no matter where you live you should be able to find a hospital near you.
What you'll be covered for as a private patient
If you’ve already checked with nib that your procedure is fully covered, the list below shows what you'll be covered for as a private patient:
In-patient accommodation fees (i.e. your bed stay, meals, nursing care)
Operating theatre
Labour ward (if relevant)*
Intensive and coronary care (if relevant)*
Surgically implanted prostheses on the Government’s list (if relevant – ask your specialist if you require prosthesis and if it will be covered by your health insurance)*
*Depending if the procedure is included in your Hospital cover.
Some services that you may use during a stay in hospital such as drugs, disposable items and paramedical services such as physio and occupational therapy are usually covered, but depending on your procedure, out of pocket expenses may apply. Contact the hospital to ask if any out of pocket costs might apply for your specific procedure.
Non-agreement hospitals
If nib does not have an agreement with the hospital you'd like to attend, you could be faced with significant costs for your hospital stay. This could be hundreds or even thousands of dollars which can't be claimed back from nib. Please contact the hospital and ask them to explain the out of pocket costs that will apply for your specific procedure.
If you’ve already chosen your hospital or specialist and know you'll have significant out of pocket expenses, call us to discuss your options. We have agreements with most private hospitals in Australia so you can significantly reduce your out of pocket expenses.