Why booking insurance at the same time as your trip could benefit you

Data from nib Travel reveals 15-20% of claims each year are due to unexpected travel disruptions. With more than 10 million Australians expected to travel overseas this year, nib Travel, opens in a new tab highlights the importance of securing insurance at the same time as booking a trip to ensure coverage from the outset.
Dylan Wilkinson, General Manager International & Partnerships at nib Travel, says securing insurance, either through a travel agent or on the nib Travel website, in advance could save you thousands in the event of last-minute cancellations and delays.
“Many travellers don’t realise how important it is to secure travel insurance early,” Mr Wilkinson said. “[VW1] By purchasing insurance with cancellation cover when you book your travel, you could be covered for situations that may arise before your trip starts — from job loss to health emergencies. If you wait until closer to departure, you could be left uncovered for key cancellation events, potentially leaving you out of pocket.”
Events you might not know you could be covered for*:
When booking travel insurance with nib Travel, certain events may be covered depending on your level of cover, including:
Sudden job loss: If your role at work is no longer needed by your employer in Australia before your trip.
Cancelled leave: If your pre-approved leave is cancelled by your employer before your trip.
Pre-trip medical emergency: If you or your travelling companion, close relative or business partner who is a resident in Australia or New Zealand suddenly becomes ill, injured or dies.
Natural disasters: If your home or business in Australia is severely damaged by a natural disaster or severe weather within 72 hours of your departure date. Or if a natural disaster occurs at your destination before your departure date.
Jury duty or court involvement: If a travelling companion is required for jury duty or needs to provide evidence in court.
For more information on nib Travel, contact your local travel agent or visit: https://www.nibtravelinsurance.com.au, opens in a new tab.
*nib Travel policy coverage is subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions as outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement. Be sure to consider if this product is right for you.
If you have a media query, contact us
Michelle Innis
Group Head of Media & Public Relations
Phone: +61 414 999 693, opens in a new tab
Email: michelle.innis@nib.com.au, opens in a new tab
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