Suspending your policy is like putting it on hold - you won't pay any premiums. If you suspend your policy, you won't be able to claim for services on your policy during this time.
Important information about suspending your policy
If you haven’t finished serving your waiting periods, opens in a new tab when you suspend your policy, you’ll need to continue serving them once your policy resumes.
If you're an Australian resident and you earn above the Government’s Medicare Levy Surcharge thresholds you could be liable for the Medicare Levy Surcharge, opens in a new tab for the period of suspension. This is an extra 1% to 1.5% in tax, depending on your circumstances.
Information about suspending your policy for Australian residents
We can suspend your health cover for one of two reasons:
you’re experiencing financial hardship
you’re travelling overseas
Suspending your policy due to financial hardship
We all may experience financial hardship at some time, and nib want to support you through that as much as possible. If you find yourself unable to meet your payments, you may be eligible to suspend your policy based on our financial hardship criteria:
You must suspend your policy for a minimum of two months and a maximum of three months. You can contact us at any time during the three month period to resume your policy.
Your premium must be paid up to the date that you are applying for the suspension. If you’ve paid in advance of the date of suspension, you can request a refund or leave your premiums paid in advance to be used when you resume your cover.
You can only request one suspension of up to three months at a time, and you’ll need to wait 12 months before being able to apply for a suspension again.
Your policy must be active for 12 months between suspensions.
If you're traveling overseas, financial hardship suspension isn't an option.
We will automatically resume your policy after the confirmed suspension period ends.
This is available to Australian residents only.
Our friendly consultants will explain the impacts of suspending your policy, and if you're affected by a declared disaster, different rules may apply. Contact us to chat through the options available to you.
Overseas travel suspension
If you've been an nib member for 12 months or more, you can put your policy on hold for a minimum of two months and a maximum of 24 months while you're travelling overseas, as long as your premiums are paid up to date.
If you plan on going overseas before you meet the 12 month eligibility criteria, we can log your suspension to begin once you reach your 12 month membership anniversary.
While you won't be able to claim on services provided at this time and you won't be paying your premiums for the duration of the suspension, you'll still be classed as maintaining your cover. However, you won’t be exempt from the Medicare Levy Surcharge while your policy is suspended.
If you have Lifetime Health Cover, opens in a new tab (LHC) loading, the period of suspension does not count toward the 10-year requirement for the removal of the loading. For instance, if you suspend your policy for 6 months, your anniversary date for LHC removal will also be delayed by 6 months.
Your policy will not automatically resume when you return
Get in touch with us, opens in a new tab within 30 days of returning home to reactivate your policy, or it could be cancelled. If this happens and you rejoin your cover later, all members on the policy will need to re-serve waiting periods. Ensure you contact us promptly if you need to resume your cover.
Information about suspending your policy for International members
Travel suspension
For overseas workers, we can suspend your health cover if you're travelling outside of Australia for more than four weeks and less than 24 months, and you've served at least one month of membership with nib. Apply for suspension before you leave by sending proof of your travel dates to us via chat, opens in a new tab. To resume your cover, simply contact us, opens in a new tab.
For overseas students, we can suspend your health cover if you're travelling outside of Australia for a minimum of three months and a maximum of two years. You can only apply for suspension after you return to Australia in the form of a refund - just call us on 13 16 42. Your policy will be resumed from the date you returned to Australia.
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Make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck when it comes to your health cover.