How a skin cancer check can save your life

From getting a suspicious mole checked by your doctor to wearing suitable sunscreen, you can minimise your risk of skin cancer if you know the steps to take and the warning signs.
Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with the cancer making up about 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers in Australia each year. About two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before turning 70.
While small amounts of ultraviolet light (UV) are necessary for healthy bones and muscles, too much exposure can damage your skin’s cells and ultimately lead to skin cancer.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to recognise the warning signs and prevent skin cancer.
Keen to find out your risk of skin cancer? Take the personalised nib skin self-assessment. Keep in mind, this assessment is meant to provide guidance, but it’s important to remember that all skin types can develop skin cancer. We recommend scheduling annual skin checks with a trained healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.
I’m young – do I still need a skin check?
Yes. Although skin cancer is rare in young adults, it’s still a good idea to get a skin check, especially if you have a family history of skin cancer, a history of sunburns, a lot of freckles or moles or are taking a medicine that suppresses your immune system.
What’s involved in a skin cancer check?
During a skin check, you’ll be asked to remove your clothing and may be asked to put on a medical gown. Your doctor will use a bright light and a magnifier called a dermatoscope to examine your skin thoroughly.
Unless your doctor finds something suspicious, the examination should take around 15 to 30 minutes. If your doctor finds something concerning, they’ll take a photo of the lesion and perform a skin biopsy.
What checks can I do at home?
Skin cancer can occur anywhere – even on parts of your body that get little sunlight, like the soles of your feet and under your nails.
It’s important to regularly do your own checks in addition to professional skin examinations under the care of a healthcare professional. To check yourself at home, inspect your entire body. Use a mirror or ask a family member or friend to check difficult-to-see places, like your scalp and back.
Recommended: How early detection of skin cancer could save your life
Most moles are completely harmless, but if you start to notice changes in a mole’s appearance or pigmented patches, consult your doctor. While examining your skin at home, remember the ABCDEs to check for the signs of skin cancer:
1. A is for asymmetrical
A mole or freckle that has one half that is different from the other half.
2. B is for border
A mole that has edges that are irregular, uneven or blurred.
3. C stands for colour
A mole that has multiple colours, shade of one colour or is different to other moles in colour.
4. D is for diameter
A mole that is growing larger.
5. E is for evolving
Be vigilant of moles that change size, shape, height or colour, or start to itch or bleed.
Got a spot, mole or freckle you want to check out? With nib SkinVision, you can check your skin for signs of skin cancer anytime, anywhere – it’s as easy as downloading the app and taking a photo. You’ll receive personalised advice in minutes after uploading the photo. While this tool offers convenient insights, keep in mind that a photo doesn’t provide the same level of detail as a trained professional using a dermatoscope. If you have any concerns about a lesion, we always recommend scheduling an in-person check-up with your health professional.
‘The doctor spotted the melanoma early’
Like many Australians, Jackie McLennan grew up in the sun. A young adult of the ‘60s and ‘70s, when wearing sunscreen was considered optional, Jackie didn’t think about the potential harms of ultraviolet radiation.
But that all changed as she grew older and realised her fair skin and blue eyes put her at higher risk of skin cancer.
“Growing up, every summer was spent at the beach, and my friends and I all enjoyed sunbathing and wanted to get a suntan,” Jackie says.
“Our perspectives changed later in life when there was much more public information available about the dangers of getting sunburnt.”
Growing up, every summer was spent at the beach, and my friends and I all wanted to get a suntan
During her regular skin check, Jackie’s dermatologist noticed a suspicious spot that looked like a freckle on her nose and performed a biopsy during her appointment. The sample was sent to a pathologist for testing, and within a few days, she received her results.
Jackie’s dermatologist confirmed the biopsied freckle was melanoma stage 1. Fortunately, the melanoma had been spotted early but further surgery was needed to remove part of the nose skin. This involved having a skin graft, where a piece of skin was taken from the side of Jackie’s neck to use on her nose.
“I found the whole experience rattled me a bit. Now I’ll never miss a skin check-up.”
Be safe, check your skin
Early detection probably saved Jackie’s life. Performing regular skin checks at home and visiting a doctor every six months for a professional skin check is the easiest way to prevent cancer.
Ready for a skin check?
We can help. Our Find a Provider service allows you to search for health professionals in your local area.
If you’re heading to your GP for a skin check, it could be a good opportunity to find out what other examinations you might be due for.
If you’re aged between 20-29, find out more with our article Health checks in your 20s.
If you’re aged between 30-39, we’ve put together a list of Health checks in your 30s.
Aged 40-49? There’s a dedicated article on The Check Up, Health checks in your 40s.
And, for the young-at-hearters (or those of us between 50-59), check out Health checks in your 50s.
The information contained in this article is provided as general information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For personalised medical advice, always consult your qualified healthcare professional.