Healthy living in Australia on a budget

With a climate that lets you exercise outdoors all year, plus an abundance of fresh fruit and veges, staying healthy can be cheap, easy and fun when you live in Australia.
Now you can eat well, get fit and maintain great physical and mental health for less, thanks to nib Rewards1.
Healthy eating
With a huge range of locally grown fresh fruit and vegetables, it’s easy to eat healthily in Australia; however, you may find that fresh produce is more expensive here than at home.
To help you save on your weekly grocery bill, you can get discounts on grocery eGift cards. For fresh, local produce delivered to your door, check out HelloFresh to purchase their fresh, healthy meal kits.
Need to stock up on vitamins or supplements? Through nib Rewards, you can access offers on pharmacy eGift cards.
Keeping fit
Australians like to socialise, exercise and dine outdoors at every opportunity. And with beautiful parks and beaches within reach, you can see why exercising outdoors is a huge part of Australian culture.
In recent years, circuit training has become increasingly popular. Why not be your own personal trainer with our free online training series? Try our ten-minute circuit or a fast and easy core workout. Team up with a buddy and motivate yourself with the prospect of a post-workout smoothie!
With nib Rewards, you’ll also get a range of discounts on health clubs and activewear.
Socialising is just as important for your health as exercise and broccoli
Mental wellbeing
Great health includes great mental wellbeing. We all need tools and resources to manage stress and anxiety.
There are a number of ways to get free mental health support online, with one of the best free online resources being the Lifeline toolkit.
nib foundation partner, batyr provides mental health support to over 2,200 university students through their batyr@uni program. batyr program participant and international student, Linh, shares her story.
If you or someone you know needs help please call:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
Socialising is just as important for your health as exercise and broccoli. Joining one of the hundreds of low-cost university clubs and societies is a great way to meet new people with common interests. There are also heaps of local sporting teams available to people of all skill levels.
For less sweaty forms of socialising, with nib Rewards you can get offers on movie tickets and vouchers, discounts at some of Australia's biggest theme parks and cheaper tickets to your next event.
Please note: The information throughout this article serves as broad information and should not replace any advice you have been given by your medical practitioner.
1T&Cs apply. Some offers may vary or be available for a limited time. Payments for eGift cards made by debit/credit card incur a 1% processing fee. nib Rewards are available to new members after 30 days of active membership, provided premium payments are up to date. For more information on member rewards, visit nib Rewards.