7 bodyweight workouts you can do at home
Have you let your gym membership lapse? Don’t have time to drive to the local fitness centre? Forgot to wash your gym clothes? It’s time to embrace the humble at-home workout.
We’ve partnered with fitness professional, Erica King, to develop seven quick bodyweight workouts you can do from home – no equipment needed!
First things first; Erica recommends starting your workout with a warm-up. “It’s so important to start with some dynamic stretches before beginning any of these workouts,” she explains.
These warm-ups could include things like head and shoulder rolls and hip and arm swings.
Workout 1
“This is my current personal favourite and is suitable for any level of fitness. You can simply slow it down or speed it up to suit your capability,” Erica says.
Set your timer for 10 minutes and repeat the below as many times as you can. Take a 20-second break after each round. This workout is a great way to test yourself – try it a few days in a row and see if you can keep increasing on the amount of rounds you get through in 10 minutes.
10 x push-ups
10 x squats
10 x triceps dips (you can use your lounge or a sturdy chair)
10 x sit-ups
10 x Russian twists
Workout 2
“For this workout, download a Tabata app on your phone that gives you a beep every 30 seconds,” says Erica.
“Suitable for any level of fitness, this routine should be completed twice, but feel free to have a rest between sets!”
Repeat each exercise for 30 seconds before taking a 30-second recovery and then moving onto the next one.
Jumping jacks
Jogging on the spot
Workout 3
This one is a high-intensity workout, guaranteed to get your heart rate up.
“Suitable for an intermediate to advanced level of fitness, this routine will have you doing each exercise for 30 seconds and completing as many reps as possible,” says Erica.
“After you’ve finished your 30 seconds of push-ups, take a 45-second rest before beginning the set of three exercises again. You should get through the circuit four times.”
Jump squats

Workout 4
This routine is a great full-body workout that combines a number of different exercises – so you definitely won’t get bored!
“Suitable for any level of fitness, this workout consists of 40 seconds of work, with a 10-second rest between exercises” says Erica.
Jumping Jacks
Wall sit
Step-ups (you can use stairs, or another stable surface)
Triceps dips
Butterfly kicks
Donkey kicks
Sprint on the spot
Workout 5
“Another good workout to challenge yourself with, this routine will have you repeating three exercises as many times as you can in 10 minutes,” explains Erica.
10 x squat jumps
20 x side lunges (10 each side)
10 x rotational push-ups
Workout 6
Although you’ll be working your entire body with this routine, it does focus on your core.
“Suitable for an intermediate to advanced level of fitness, the aim is to repeat the three exercises as many times as you can in 10 minutes,” says Erica.
20 x mountain climbers
10 x sit-ups
10 x burpees
Workout 7
Suitable for any level of fitness, this routine will have your legs and glutes burning in no time!
“It’s simple, just repeat the below exercises as many times as you can in 10 minutes,” says Erica.
20 x reverse lunges
20 x single leg glute bridges on each side
10 x side plank leg raises on each side
Keeping healthy isn’t just about being physically active. Never underestimate the importance of mental health when it comes to your overall wellbeing. Check out our article, 3 ways to improve your mental wellbeing in under 5 minutes for more information and expert tips.
Please note: The information throughout this article serves as broad information and should not replace any advice you have been given by your medical practitioner.