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Meet nibby

You'll be surprised what nibby knows. And if your question is better answered by one of our human team members, nibby will pass you through.

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Chat when it suits you

Got a new credit card and need to update your details? nibby can tell you how.

Older man using his phone in the park

We don't all like talking on the phone

If you, like nibby, prefer to message, just ask to be connected to the humans (it'll probably be quicker too!).

An animated GIF conversation between an nib member and the nibby chat bot

nibby works the phones, 24/7

While the humans aren't available around the clock, nibby's got your back any time of day or night.

A man sits on the couch while talking on the the phone with his daughter sleeping on his lap late at night

A good ol' fashioned call

Our team is here to help and nibby will connect you to the right person for what you need.

A woman speaks into the phone while smiling, standing in front of a book shelf

Talk to nibby on your home assistant

Get hands-free help on the nib Alexa skill and the nib action for Google Home. Simply say "enable the nib skill" to get daily health tips and answers to your health care questions.

A father with his two young children sit at the kitchen bench eating breakfast

Still got questions?

You'll be surprised what nibby knows. If the question is more suited to one of our human team members, nibby will connect you through.

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