nib releases 2021 Sustainability Report

nib Group (nib) has released its 2021 Sustainability Report which highlights the initiatives undertaken during the year towards a better natural environment and healthier society.
nib Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mark Fitzgibbon said nib regards its role in supporting good health across communities to be especially important.
“We’re as committed as any company to protecting the natural environment and ultimately achieving a net zero carbon footprint. Yet we’re responsible for a relatively small amount of greenhouse gas emissions and regard population health as easily the area in which we can have the greatest impact,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.
“We’re rapidly building our capability and involvement in improving population health outcomes and especially redressing unacceptable gaps in care between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. There’s no better example of progress being made than our partnership with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei in New Zealand,” he said.
Mr Fitzgibbon added there were other important elements of the company’s ESG or “sustainability” strategy coming more and more into focus.
“We’re really focused on our reconciliation with First Nations peoples, diversity and inclusion within the workplace and supporting initiatives that help create a sense of community,” he said.
nib’s FY21 sustainability highlights include:
Transitioning to renewable energy at all nib-controlled locations and commitment to be carbon neutral by the end of FY22.
Over $2.7 million in funding for numerous community health initiatives, including through our charitable organisation, nib foundation.
Supporting Ngãti Whãtua Õrãkei iwi members through health management programs and introduction of Kaiãrahi (iwi health navigators).
Introducing our first-ever Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, opens in a new tab to foster a sense of community where everyone is welcome, contributes and belongs.
Development of nib’s Responsible Investment Policy, opens in a new tab which has enhanced our SRI screening of our investment portfolio.
Launching our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, opens in a new tab (RAP).
Rethinking how our people work through Life at nib – our new distributed work policy which focuses on hybrid working.
Publishing our inaugural Modern Slavery Statement, opens in a new tab and undertaking supplier questionnaire assessments using a risk-based approach.
Kicking off our Payer to Partner (P2P) journey as we seek to become a true health partner for our members.
The launch of nib’s Sustainability Report also coincided with the release of its 2021 Community Report, which showcases the partnerships, personal stories and initiatives of nib as we continue to invest in the better health of our community.
To view nib’s 2021 Sustainability Report and 2021 Community Report visit:, opens in a new tab
If you have a media query, contact us
Michelle Innis
Group Head of Media & Public Relations
Phone: +61 414 999 693, opens in a new tab
Email:, opens in a new tab
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