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Conservation Volunteers Australia launches their free Green Gyms program

Woman wearing sunglasses out in nature
Woman wearing sunglasses out in nature

Are you a carer of a friend or family member in Newcastle who is looking for a fun and free opportunity to keep active in a social outdoor setting? Well, we have the program for you!

Our partner, Conservation Volunteers Australia, is launching their free Green Gyms program in Newcastle on Wednesday, 28 February 2018 and they're searching for carers to join in on the fun!

The Green Gyms program provides a weekly outdoor 'gym' session for carers to be guided in practical activities such as planting trees, removing invasive species and creating new nature trails; eco-friendly activities that aim to increase social connections and improve physical and mental wellbeing.

The three-hour sessions are designed to create a social space for carers who want to take a break from the demands of their caring role to meet new people, learn new skills and stay active. The benefits of this are not just physical but have been proven to reduce stress, boost self-esteem and confidence and create feelings of connectedness to your community and others as a result of volunteering to make a difference.

If you or someone you might know is interested in joining, visit Conservation Volunteers Australia, opens in a new tab for more information.