Buying and Selling nib shares
nib shares are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). To buy or sell shares on the ASX, you are required do so through a registered stockbroker. You can find a list of stockbrokers by visiting the ASX website.
nib's share registry provider, Computershare, offers Investor Trade as a share sale facility within Investor Centre for Australian and New Zealand residents. Investor Trade is a completely online service, designed to help shareholders quickly and easily sell shares without the hassle of opening a trading account with a broker.
For more information and eligibility criteria visit
Please note: nib and its related bodies corporate do not provide you with any financial product advice. nib and its related bodies corporate encourage you to seek your own independent advice before making any financial decisions. nib and its related bodies corporate are each not licensed in Australia to provide financial product advice in relation to shares in nib (or any other type of financial product). You have no cooling off rights in relation to your financial decisions in respect of shares in nib.