Corporate governance
nib's Board and Management are committed to achieving and demonstrating the highest standards of corporate governance and ensuring compliance with the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.
The Corporate Governance Statement, opens in a new tab reflects nib's corporate governance practices in place throughout the 2024 financial year.
nib Constitution
nib Constitution (762.03kb), opens in a new tab
Board Charters
Audit Committee Charter (164.69kb)
Risk and Reputation Committee Charter (152.18kb), opens in a new tab
Nomination Committee Charter (102.67kb), opens in a new tab
People and Remuneration Committee Charter (235.95kb)
Board of Directors
Policies and Other Corporate Documents
Anti Bribery Policy (126.29kb), opens in a new tab
Anti-Discrimination & Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (246.67kb), opens in a new tab
Code of Conduct (359.8kb), opens in a new tab
Disclosure and Communication Policy (168.79kb), opens in a new tab
Disclosure and Materiality Guidelines (162.94kb), opens in a new tab
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy (181.58kb), opens in a new tab
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Statement (162.85kb), opens in a new tab
Human Rights Statement (214.98kb), opens in a new tab
2023 Modern Slavery Statement (1.28mb), opens in a new tab
Privacy Policy (259.27kb), opens in a new tab
Responsible Investment Policy (137.65kb), opens in a new tab
Sexual Harassment Policy (192.67kb), opens in a new tab
Supplier Code of Conduct (139.54kb), opens in a new tab