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We’re providing a $50,000 support package to Hunter farmers affected by drought

Young woman and her mum looking out the window
Young woman and her mum looking out the window

Our farmers are experiencing one of the worst droughts in recent history with many of our farmers and their families suffering significant financial and emotional burden as a result.

To offer some assistance during this tough time, we've today announced a new partnership with the Upper Hunter Community Services (UHCS) that will provide a $50,000 support package to help Hunter farmers access the support services they require.

The grant will enable UHCS to offer a combination of immediate, practical assistance through EFTPOS cards to shop locally and longer holistic support through a range of community events to support and unite the community for the long road ahead.

Our Executive Officer, Amy Tribe, said its drought assistance would help to ensure farmers can access the support services they require during this testing period.

"We know that our farmers and rural communities are doing it tough and believe we all have a role to play in helping maintain health and wellbeing," Ms Tribe said.

"Our philosophy is to leverage existing capacity within local communities. The experienced team at Upper Hunter Community Services is well placed to identify and offer help to people in need through the core services they provide every day across the region."

UHCS Manager, Sue Milton, said they had already seen an increase in demand for emergency relief services such as advocacy, everyday household needs and mental health and wellbeing support across the region.

"The drought-affected community members we've spoken to are all very aware that the current circumstances will have a long term impact not only for themselves but for the community as a whole," Mrs Milton said.

"That's why providing them with material resources and assistance as well as equipping them with the knowledge and skills to look after themselves and their mates are imperative," she added.

For more information about the drought support package and to find out how UHCS can help you or someone you know contact 02 6542 3555, opens in a new tab.