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Disability Sport and Recreation

Prevention Partner

Young boy wearing rugby jersey in the stadium




December 2014 - December 2016




December 2014 - December 2016

The issue

People in Australia with a disability face higher rates of physical inactivity and social isolation compared to people without a disability, leading to a higher risk of health-related issues.

In many cases it is a lack of access to suitable programs and facilities that is preventing people with disabilities from taking part in regular and structured physical activity, which also leads to social isolation.

As the health-promoting peak organisation for the disability sport and recreation sector in Victoria, Disability Sport and Recreation is uniquely placed to tackle this issue by establishing an online platform to facilitate better health outcomes for Victorians with a disability. Known as Score!, the online platform aims to create a supportive environment that engages people with a disability, with a particular focus on young people. The online community also gives users the power to determine the way services are provided and enables full participation in sport and recreational activities.

The project

Score! provides a new approach to connecting young Victorians with a disability to sport and recreation activities which meet their ambitions and abilities.

Through the Score! website users can find local activities or get involved in events further afield by searching for location, disability and type of sport or recreation.

Not only does Score! give young Victorians with disability the means to connect with their peers online and through physical activity, but it gives them a say in how programs are delivered. They can comment on and rate programs and venues, giving providers valuable insight into whether they are meeting the needs of their community through "Top Score".

The impact

Score! aims to connect the one million Victorians with disability, as well as their carers and families, with accessible and inclusive sport and recreation programs.

Within the first 12 months of the program it is hoped that up to 2,000 accessible and inclusive programs will be part of the Score! platform.

This project promises to be a catalyst for systemic change; driving an evidence-based approach to sport and recreation planning and resource allocation in the state.

It's also expected that greater access to tailored and relevant activities will drive participation and greatly improve the health and social impact associated with physical inactivity.

Looking to learn more about Disability Sport and Recreation?

Check out Disability Sport and Recreation's website to find out more.