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Meet our People’s Choice recipient!

Lung Foundation Australia representatives holding up signs that say 'Thank you nib foundation!'

Thanks to your votes, one Health Smart partner has received an extra $40,000 in funding!

Lung Foundation Australia representatives holding up signs that say 'Thank you nib foundation!'

Thanks to the more than 2,000 received by YOU, we’re excited to announce that Lung Foundation Australia has secured our People’s Choice Vote!

This means, Lung Foundation Australia will receive an extra $40,000 in funding to allow them to develop resources to help young people make positive health choices when it comes to smoking and vaping. This brings their funding to a total of $80,000 as part of our Health Smart Grants.

You can also find out the results of our first shareholder People’s Vote held at nib’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). This vote saw our remaining three Health Smart partners, Waves of Wellness Foundation, Cancer Council Queensland and Life Education NSW, receive a share in $40,000 as voted by nib’s shareholders and the general public who attended the AGM on the day.

A big thank you to all the charities and voters who participated in our People’s Choice Vote!

Collage of three charity images

Charities receive an extra funding boost at nib’s Annual General Meeting

Shareholders at nib’s Annual General Meeting have cast their vote to help allocate $40,000 in funding to our three Health Smart partners.

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People's Choice Vote: Health Smart Grants

It’s time to vote for your People’s Choice charity!

Help us decide which Health Smart partner receives an extra $40,000 in funding support.

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Group of surfers in the ocean riding some waves

Our 2020 Community Report is out now!

Between the Australian drought, bushfires and COVID-19 pandemic, it hasn’t been an easy year for many across the world. Our community report outlines our response to these crises as well as our continued support of community health and wellbeing.

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