Meet our 2020 Health Smart grants recipients
Meet six Australian charities who have received a share of $240,000 in funding to promote healthy behaviours under our new grant program.
Six Australian charities have received a share of $240,000 in funding to promote healthy behaviours under our new grant program.
We're excited to announce our new Health Smart partners who will each receive $40,000 in funding to help youth and young adults access the information and skills they need to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviours.
Under the new grant program, we support health-focused charities to improve the health literacy of Aussies. We believe this is an important focus area given one third of the total burden of disease comes from preventable risk. These charities will reduce risks such as poor diet and increase protective factors such as looking after our mental health.
"I'm always buoyed by the evidence that small improvements to health behaviours at an individual level, such as, losing a few kilograms, or doing a few more minutes of daily moderate exercise, can have a significant impact at a population level in reducing this chronic disease burden," nib foundation Executive Officer, Amy Tribe said.
"We are excited to be working with these six new partners who are all doing fantastic work in their fields of health promotion, and we see a real opportunity through these programs to lift Australia's health literacy rates and in turn support more positive and informed health choices like these," she added.
We will also give two of the charities a chance to have their funding doubled through our 'People's Vote' which will be carried out this year via social media and nib's The Check Up.
The 2020 Health Smart Grant recipients are:
Black Dog Institute (National)
Cancer Council Queensland (QLD)
Cancer Council Victoria (VIC)
Life Education NSW (NSW)
Lung Foundation Australia (National)
Waves of Wellness Foundation (WOW) (VIC, NSW, QLD)

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